Steward Health Care Malta terminates concession agreement with Government of Malta

  • Steward Health Care Malta has submitted a Termination Notice to Government of Malta under the Services Concession Agreement due non-rectifiable defaults on the part of the Government of Malta.
  • The company believes that the operating environment and investment climate in Malta is not conducive for foreign companies to have a constructive partnership with the Government.

Steward Health Care Malta appeals court verdict and requests European Court of Justice ruling

  • Steward Health Care Malta contests Civil Court findings relating to its approach to the hospitals’ concession.
  • SHCM believes that the judgement presents major concerns for the rule of law in Malta and has therefore also requested an ECJ Preliminary Ruling.

15 March 2023: Steward Health Care Malta (SHCM) has filed an appeal against the Maltese Civil Court judgement on the hospitals’ concession agreement and requested a European Court of Justice (ECJ) Preliminary Ruling.