Quality Care

Quality Care at Odessa

At Odessa Regional Medical Center, it is our goal to provide safe, effective, high-quality healthcare for our patients.

We encourage patients and their family/significant other to take an active role in their healthcare, and we believe they should make informed decisions about the physicians and hospitals they trust to provide that care.

Visitor Information

Visiting Hours

Scenic Mountain Medical Center recognizes the important role that visitors play in the care of hospitalized patients. We make every attempt to allow visitors without restriction. 

General visiting hours are Monday to Friday 7 am to 9 pm and Saturday and Sunday 9 am to 5 pm. Visitors may be asked to leave a patient’s room during tests and treatments.

Visitor Information

Visitor Information & Hours

At Odessa Regional Medical Center, we strive to provide a welcome environment that promotes healing, respects privacy, and provides high-quality care for all patients.

The following guidelines promote and enhance our family-centered care focus:

Spiritual Care

Spiritual Care & Healing

At Scenic Mountain Medical Center, we believe that spiritual care is a vital part of the healing process.

Our spiritual care program is accessible to people of all faiths and to those with no formal religious affiliation. Our clergy is available for prayer and counseling for patients and their families.