Shoulder Range of Motion Exercises

The exercises illustrated and described in this document should be performed only after instruction by your physical therapist or your doctor’s office.

Pendulum exercise
Bend over at the waist and let the arm hang down. Using your body to initiate movement, swing the arm gently forward and backward and in a circular motion.

Shoulder shrug
Shrug shoulders upward as illustrated.

Shoulder Plyometric Program

Throw with arm at side
For the right arm, stand sideways so that your left side is facing a ‘rebounder’ or wall. Keep the right elbow tucked against your right side with the elbow at a right angle. Throw a 1 to 2 pound ball across the body, keeping the elbow tucked to the side, to the rebounder. Catch the rebounded ball in the same arm position, allowing the arm to comfortably stretch back, and then quickly throw the ball again. Do not pause or stop the ball movement after catching it.


Shoulder tendinitis is a common overuse injury in sports (such as swimming, baseball and tennis) where the arm is used in an overhead motion. The pain – usually felt at the tip of the shoulder and referred or radiated down the arm – occurs when the arm is lifted overhead or twisted. In extreme cases, pain will be present all of the time and it may even wake you from a deep sleep.

Interval Throwing Program

Interval throwing program:

The ‘Interval throwing program’ is a safe program to follow if you have had a shoulder
injury or a long layoff from throwing competitively.

Throwers who are returning to throwing after injury to the shoulder should follow the
interval-throwing program, exactly, on an every-other-day basis.

The criteria to progress from step to step are that the throwing session was pain free and
there is no residual soreness the next day.

ORMC nurses and Scenic Mountain nurse recognized by the Permian Basin Great 25 Nurses

ORMC nurses and Scenic Mountain nurse recognized by the Permian Basin Great 25 Nurses

Four of Odessa Regional Medical Center’s nurses and one Scenic Mountain nurse have been recognized by the Permian Basin Great 25 Nurses. The local nonprofit organization recognizes outstanding nurses in the Permian Basin.

Nominations were submitted online and reviewed by the Permian Basin Great 25 nurses Board of Directors and a community panel of non-clinical individuals. Nurses were acknowledged not only their work in the profession, but also for their exceptional achievements and work within their communities.

ORMC nurses and Scenic Mountain nurse recognized by the Permian Basin Great 25 Nurses

ORMC nurses and Scenic Mountain nurse recognized by the Permian Basin Great 25 Nurses

Four of Odessa Regional Medical Center’s nurses and one Scenic Mountain nurse have been recognized by the Permian Basin Great 25 Nurses. The local nonprofit organization recognizes outstanding nurses in the Permian Basin.

Nominations were submitted online and reviewed by the Permian Basin Great 25 nurses Board of Directors and a community panel of non-clinical individuals. Nurses were acknowledged not only their work in the profession, but also for their exceptional achievements and work within their communities.