Patricia G.

I had increased pain that was affecting my life. There was no injury, just gradually increasing pain in my lower back, buttocks and legs that eventually became unbearable.
I suffered with severe pain for a few months before I sought help at the Holy Family Hospital Center for Pain Management, where I met Dr. Stephanie Gianoukos. 
During our first meeting she listened to my history, did a physical exam and ordered tests which revealed arthritis in my lumbar spine.

Annmarie L.

Years after I had back surgery, I began to have a back ache that eventually became painful, but it was a different type of pain than what I had experienced prior to back surgery.
My primary care physician ordered tests that showed a herniated disc at the junction of L-5 and S-1, the next level down from my first surgery, and referred me to the Holy Family Hospital Center for Pain Management. 

Georgianna G.

I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible pain. When I arrived at Holy Family Hospital in Haverhill, I met Colorectal Surgeon Romie Mundy, MD, who ordered tests that revealed a perforated colon and the need for major surgery.
Dr. Mundy was wonderful. He explained everything to me before he did the surgery. And after surgery, he explained everything that he had done. He’s a wonderful young doctor who made me feel comfortable, and made me feel that I was going to be okay.

Kenneth H.

I had been in pain for about a year and a half. I was unable to participate in the sports I like - golf and tennis -prior to my total hip replacement surgery, which was done at Holy Family Hospital in Methuen, where they have a dedicated unit for total hip and knee replacement surgeries.
My surgery went well and the nurses did a great job overseeing my medications, checking my wounds, and managing my pain.  During the operation and recovery they were right on top of my care.

Jan P.

I had hip surgery four years ago at age 67. I played tennis, golf and did yoga as an adult. My hip started to become uncomfortable, then painful and finally I felt handicapped.
I wanted to be active again so I tried two cortisone injections, but the relief didn't last long. I traveled from Durham, NH to Haverhill, MA to see Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Gregory Johnson, MD because I knew of him, and liked his credentials. My husband is a retired physician.