Hear from Our Patients

Every day, we're inspired watching our Mercer County-area patients take charge of their health and their lives, and are privileged to help guide that transformation. We invite you to share in their stories with bariatric surgeon, Sheetal Njhawan, M.D., and her team at Sharon Regional. And remember: you, too, can have life-changing success.



Urological Treatments for Men and Women 

We are committed to the detection, treatment, and prevention of urological diseases. Through diagnostic testing and treatment techniques, we can effectively identify and treat a variety of conditions. 

Common Urological Conditions include:

Cancer Care

Cancer is not generic. Each patient, each diagnosis, and each treatment is unique.  We provide a range of treatment options that are tailored to meet each patient’s individual needs. Doctors plan treatment by consulting with surgeons, chemotherapy, and radiation specialists to develop the most effective approach.

Our oncologists diagnose and plan a comprehensive treatment strategy through:

Stroke Care Center

Treatments given during the first three hours after a stroke can greatly reduce or even reverse the effects and our stroke care professionals have the training and expertise to rapidly identify and treat stroke as quickly as possible.


From annual exams and maternity care to treatment for gynecological cancer and urinary incontinence, you can count on a full range of services from gynecologists and obstetricians. Rockledge Regional Medical Center’s comprehensive care includes: