Lower Mills Surgery Center

Lower Mills Surgery Center 

The center is home to some of Boston’s most experienced top-rated surgeons. Our state-of-the-art operating facilities and an adjoining post-anesthesia care unit allow us to offer our patients convenient access to world-class surgical care. Lower Mills Surgery Center is pleased to guarantee a private room to all post-op patients, giving you unparalleled privacy to recover and to be with your loved ones.

Norwood Hospital and Steward Medical Group (SMG) Welcome Three Physicians to the Region

Gandhi, Gedarovich and Sabet

Foxboro SMG offices welcome internal medicine and endocrinology specialists

Norwood, MA –  Norwood Hospital and Steward Medical Group (SMG) are welcoming three physicians to the greater Norwood community in January 2021. While Norwood Hospital remains closed due to previous flooding, community-based primary care and specialty practices have remained open. To continue serving the needs of our community, we have welcomed three physicians to our Foxboro SMG practices.