Through the doors and throughout our hospital...there is a volunteer; someone with a kind smile and a willingness to help as patients and families deal with what may very well be one of the most difficult days of their lives.

"Hospital volunteers are a tremendous help to our facility," says Jeremy Tinnerello, President of Glenwood Regional Medical Center.  "We absolutely would not be able to provide the same quality of service to our patients and community without them."

In 2017, Glenwood volunteers contributed a total of 10,787 hours of service, working in 15 different capacities, from comforting families in the ICU waiting room to greeting patients at the front desk and processing transactions in the Gift Corner.  Volunteers provide essential services at every level of the hospital, from administrative with C-Suite employees to caring for newborns in the nursery.

"Volunteering lets me give back for the blessings I have received," says Jean McNeil. "I enjoy helping when people need it the most."

"Volunteering gives me an opportunity to serve my community by offering a smile and welcome to visitors to the hospital," says Eva Fowler.

For many, volunteering at Glenwood Regional Medical Center provides an opportunity for community.  "Volunteering at the hospital gives me a great purpose and fills a void in my life as a widow," says Sandra Hejka.  "I enjoy the interaction with patients, volunteers, and hospital employees.  I love my 'volunteer' job."

Sheldon Groan agrees.  "Volunteering means I meet a lot more friends," he says.  "I really enjoy going into work and volunteering and being of any assistance I can.  I enjoy and appreciate the staff I get to work with."

On Wednesday, April 18, at 11:30am, Glenwood Regional Medical Center will honor its hospital volunteers with a private Volunteer Luncheon.  "It's one way we can say thank you to those who have given so much in serving our staff, patients, and patients' families," says Tinnerello.  "We hope all of our volunteers will be able to join us for the celebration."