
Categorical Internal Medicine

The Department of Medicine at Carney Hospital offers ACGME-accredited training in internal medicine. The internship year for the categorical internal medicine program includes four months in the critical care units, five months of medical wards, one month of interventional cardiology at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center and two elective months.

The second year includes two critical care unit months, three ward months, one night float month, one month of emergency medicine, two months of ambulatory care medicine and three elective months.

The third year includes six months of ward medicine, one month as the Teaching Resident, three months of ambulatory care medicine and two elective months.

Preliminary Medicine Internship

The Carney Hospital Preliminary Medicine Internship is a one-year medical internship program designed to prepare interns for careers in specialties that require a prerequisite year of training in one of the fundamental clinical specialties. Rotations include four months of critical care medicine, one month of emergency medicine, five months of ward medicine and two elective months.

Transitional Year Residency (TYR)

The Carney Hospital TYR is an ACGME-accredited one-year program geared to medical graduates planning further training in a variety of specialties, in particular those with a strong procedural component. The most common career goals for recent TY residents have been anesthesiology, ophthalmology, radiology and dermatology. The TYR has been carefully structured to provide trainees with an opportunity to participate in both medical and surgical experiences in a varied and academically challenging setting.

A typical TYR year includes two months in the critical care units, one month in the Emergency Department, four months on surgical rotations, two months of electives and three months on the medical wards.