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Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Center in Dorchester, MA

State-of-the-art Imaging
Using advanced imaging technology is a key factor in diagnosing health problems. The installation of the latest imaging technology combined with diagnostic expertise demonstrates Carney Hospital's dedication to providing quality health services to our community.


Carney Hospital offers MRI diagnostic imaging on the hospital campus. Our MRI on campus allows radiologists to perform all kinds of MRI exams, including breast, brain, orthopedic, spine, cardiovascular and vascular exams.


Carney's MRI services:

  • Patient confidence in MRI image quality and efficiency
  • Convenience
  • Feet first examinations, which greatly decreases anxiety for patients who are uncomfortable in small spaces
  • Less discomfort with faster patient set-up and low-to-floor table position
  • Faster appointments through centralized scheduling
  • Acquisition speed, which reduces exam time and decreases anxiety
  • No repositioning
  • Quieter than conventional MRI scanners with up to a 97 percent noise reduction 


Mobile PET-CT is available at Carney Hospital
The most innovative, non-invasive and powerful imaging technology, PET-CT combines today’s most advanced Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner with the fastest and most sophisticated Computed Tomography (CT) technology – all in a single exam. PET-CT scans similarly can detect recurrences and metastases of cancers and has the ability to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and adjust the plan during, rather than at the end of, treatment. While fine-tuned for cancer care, PET-CT is also used for neurological and cardiovascular imaging. 

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