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Endocrinology and Diabetes Treatment Center in Dorchester, MA

Convenient appointment times for consultations and education are available from Monday through Friday. A physician’s medical order is required for outpatient diabetes education services.

Diabetes Education Program
617-296-4012, ext. 4921
Fax: 617-506-4366

At the Carpena Diabetes Center at Carney Hospital, we work to promote the health and well-being of patients with diabetes. Through a team approach, the center serves as a resource to the patient, the patient's family and the primary care physician. The Carpena Diabetes Center has been recognized by the American Diabetes Association for quality patient education.


The Carpena Diabetes Center serves:

  • Patients diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • Newly diagnosed adults with diabetes
  • Individuals diagnosed with diabetes whose condition has changed, or who would like a second opinion on treatment
  • Pregnant women with diabetes, or those who develop diabetes during pregnancy (gestational)
  • Patients requiring support, education or motivation to manage their diabetes
  • Families of those diagnosed with diabetes


At the Carpena Diabetes Center, our team of providers will make a careful evaluation of your overall health and history, and develop an individualized program of medical management, diabetes education and nutrition counseling for each patient, including ongoing program of treatment and support to help patients maintain an appropriate level of glucose (blood sugar) control and minimize complications. Our services include:

  • Medical management
  • Evaluation of metabolic control, presence of complications and recommendations for therapy for patients with type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes
  • Diabetes self-management training
  • Individualized instruction - our certified diabetes educators offers individual instruction, classes, lectures, and support groups to help patients achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Pregnancy care - treatment, education and nutritional counseling for gestational diabetes, as well as for pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes
  • Our registered nurse is a nationally certified diabetes educator


The Carpena Diabetes Center's staff includes:

  • An endocrinologist specializing in diabetes
  • Registered nurse certified in diabetes education


Insurance Coverage
Most health insurance plans cover all of the services provided for diabetes education. You can check with your insurance provider to determine the number of visits you are allowed each year for diabetes care.  

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