The Perez family welcomed a baby boy as the first infant born in 2017 at St. Joseph Medical Center, Houston’s first hospital. Ulises Perez Jr. made his appearance at 2:19 a.m. weighing in at eight pounds, four ounces after 28 hours of labor.

This is the second child for parents Ulises and Jacqueline Perez who said the baby’s sister Avaya is pretty excited about her baby brother, but she will have to adjust to having him around all the time.

“We were so glad to finally meet him,” said Jacqueline. “We appreciate the support of the team at St. Joseph and Dr. Fan Wang on this New Year’s Day. What a wonderful way to start 2017.”

The Perez family received a gift basket filled with newborn essentials from St. Joseph and a handmade crochet blanket from Blankets & Blessings of Asbury United Methodist Church in Pasadena.