Main Copy Part One

Physical Therapy Services at Florida Medical Center

  • Inpatient Rehabilitation: after a surgery or treatment, you may be required to stay in the hospital and work with our therapy team to prepare for a safe discharge.
  • Outpatient Rehabilitation: our professional team works together to develop personalized outpatient treatment programs tailored to the specific needs of each patient. Our offerings include:
    • Computerized balance testing
    • Computerized equipment for evaluation, treatment, work, simulation, and exercise
    • Functional capacities evaluation and physical reconditioning equipment
    • Independent living skills area
    • Indoor heated pool
    • Strengthening and conditioning equipment
    • Two physical therapy gyms
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation: a specialized medical service designed to improve physical function and emotional well being, as well as reduce the cardiovascular risk factors of people with heart disease. We focus on exercise, nutrition, behavior modification, counseling and education to reduce your risk of future cardiac health issues.
Not specified