“Social Work is the art of listening and the science of hope”. - Unknown

Having the patients’ interests at heart is the social worker’s topmost priority. Generally, the valid work of social workers goes unnoticed when compared to other professions.

Working with patients on one-to-one basis is crucial, especially when it comes to incorporating the social model into the medical sector. From the moment a patient is admitted to Karin Grech Hospital, until they are discharged back to the community, social workers work collaboratively and in a holistic manner on a care plan, together with the other members of the Multidisciplinary Team. Their in-depth assessments are initiated on a micro level, building a working relationship based on trust with the patient. Once this is established, they see how to support the patient and assist accordingly in line with the required needs.

Social workers then assess on a meso level what level of support the patient has. Mainly, through the patient’s family, and/or close relationships with relatives or friends. The macro level is then identified when the social workers adapt the role of brokers and facilitators when it comes to exploring and discussing the different support services available within the community. Once a service is determined to be necessary for the patient, the social workers apply for the service so as to facilitate matters once discharged from hospital.

If the patient has a high level of dependency and limited support from close relatives and friends, sometimes the services available are not enough to support the patient. This is when long-term care is required.

Patients admitted in the corresponding ward are reviewed on weekly basis by an interdisciplinary team. Social workers participate actively in the weekly ward rounds and conferences, family training sessions and home visits.

The social work profession challenges social workers on a professional and personal level. It also gives social workers the privilege to accompany patients through some of the most intensively difficult, personal, and private situations.