Health Care Information Disclaimer

We remind visitors to the Steward Health Care and affiliated sites that nothing ever takes the place of a personal visit with your doctor. While we are happy to provide as much medical information as possible, if you have any questions about your health, make an appointment and discuss your questions with your caregiver. She or he is in the best position to make decisions with you about what is in your best interest.

Site Disclaimer

Steward Health Care may provide links to widely respected and recognized not-for-profit or other health care organizations that are not part of the Steward Web family or domain. These sites may provide more detailed information, which may be useful to web visitors. Organizations, companies or individuals other than Steward Health Care or its affiliates manage these sites, and they are not under Steward control. Steward Health Care is not responsible for the information or links you may find on such sites. Steward Health Care provides links to these sites only as a convenience, and the presence of these links is not a Steward Health Care endorsement of the sites, their contents or links. Also, the presence of these links is not an endorsement of any information or other content or expression of views that may be contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church contained on the linked sites. In addition, Steward Health Care is not responsible for the information collection practices of non-Steward Health Care sites. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of the new site, and you should read that site's policies on privacy and information collection.

If you have any questions, contact our webmaster at