A helpline has been launched to provide additional support to patients attending Karin Grech Hospital’s Physiotherapy Outpatients Department located within St Luke’s Hospital grounds. All those patients who cannot attend their appointment because of COVID-19 restrictions, or who have any other concern in relation to their physiotherapy progress, are encouraged to contact the new Helpline on 22081300.

The Helpline is available as from today the 21st of April during working hours (7.30am-3pm weekdays and 7.30am-12.30pm Saturdays). The Helpline is being manned by physiotherapists who will be available to provide support and instructions to patients as required. Patients are reminded that urgent referrals/appointments are still being seen onsite at the Outpatients Department or through video-consultations if the patient prefers.

As part of its COVID-19 contingency plan, Karin Grech Hospital has provided an additional 28 bed ward for COVID-19 patients, together with an additional ward for quarantine purposes. 

The health, safety and well-being of patients and staff remain our top priority, with staff training, infection control and public health protocols aligned with those of the national health authorities.

All patients referred from Mater Dei Hospital are admitted to KGH following a negative test for COVID-19 and cohorted and monitored for symptoms for 2 weeks prior to being released into general wards. In line with public health requirements, visitors to Karin Grech patients are still not allowed and relatives are encouraged to stay in touch with their loved ones through telephone and video communication. All wards have been provided with devices for this purpose.

Steward Malta would like to reassure patients needing urgent treatment or care at its hospitals that all provisions are being made to ensure the safest possible environment for patient care. Individuals needing urgent medical attention should not put their own health at risk out of fear of coming to hospital.