
Effective April 2, 2020, for the protection and safety of our patients and caregivers, and in conjunction with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, visitation to the Inpatient Medical/Surgical floors, Psychiatric Units and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is not permitted except in very specific cases. Please call the patient or the nursing unit as needed. We encourage the use of telephone/video chat in place of in-person visits at this time. In compassionate care situations, such as end-of-life, requests for visitation will be made on a case-by-case basis.

Everyone on Steward properties - Norwood Hospital and Steward Medical Group locations - should have a mask on. This new measure has put in place for your protection, as well as the protection of patients and hospital staff. We ask for your understanding and appreciate your cooperation in our commitment to keeping our community safe.

Restrictions currently in place for Labor & Delivery, Mother/Baby, NICU, and ED are as follows:

  • Mothers admitted to labor & delivery and the mother/baby unit are limited to one support person.
  • Pediatric patient visitors will be limited to two adult visitors.
  • For outpatient visits and testing, patients are asked not to bring others with them to appointments. If an escort/visitor accompanies a patient to an outpatient visit or testing, they will be screened for exclusion (fever, cough, shortness of breath and/or close contact with a person with positive COVID-19 or recent travel to Level 3 country) and allowed to accompany the patient only if appropriate.

All campus visitors will be screened upon entrance for travel, new onset of fever, cough, shortness of breath and recent close contact with a person who tests positive for COVID-19.

Norwood Hospital is committed to the safety, health and well-being of our patients, staff, and the communities we serve. We will provide additional updates as they become available. 

In the meantime, for more information, please contact your doctor or visit the Center for Disease and Control (CDC) Prevention website on Coronavirus.