Zero-Visitor Policy (Limited Exceptions)

For the safety of our patients, your loved ones, our employees and our community, we are following the State of Louisiana Office of Public Health requirement to limit potential exposure of COVID-19 to patients.

Effective immediately, there will be a zero-visitor policy with limited exceptions. Only under the conditions below are visitors allowed to see patients and then only one visitor is allowed per day.

  • Essential Visitors must be over 18 years of age and include:
    • Laboring moms – spouse/partner
    • Pediatric patients (including NICU) — Parent/Guardian (one per day)
    • End of Life situations (including NICU)– spouse/significant other/adult children
  • Patients are restricted to one Essential visitor per day.
  • All Essential Visitors will be screened through temperature checks and appropriate questioning.
    • Patients with a visitor who our staff have deemed essential will be limited to one visitor per day.
    • Visitors should stay in the patient room for the duration of the visit.
    • Essential Visitors may be asked to wear an issued mask and should keep it for the duration of their visit (even if returning the following day).
    • Screening questions:
      • Fever greater than 100.4*
      • Cough
      • Shortness of breath
  • An Essential Visitor cannot be someone who is a Restricted Person
  • Restricted Person = signs or symptoms of respiratory infection-
    • Do you currently have a cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, or fever?
      • in the last 14 days has had contact with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 or is under investigation for COVID-19 or has been or is currently ill with respiratory illness, or
    • Have you had contact with a person confirmed with, tested for or showing symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
      • has been on international travel within the last 14 days to countries with sustained community transmission
    • Have you traveled in the last 14 days to UK, China, Italy, South Korea, Iran, Europe, or to an area in the US currently experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak?

Our Glenwood family sincerely appreciates your understanding during this time. We understand that your concern for a loved one is a priority and want you to know these State mandated policies are here to protect you, your family, and our staff that are working diligently to treat those you care about.