Benjamin A.

After his first daughter was born, Benjamin A., knew he had to make some important life changes concerning his weight. The 36-year-old Lawrence, Massachusetts resident had always been considered a “big boy” all of his life.

“I have been athletic all of my life and played football, basketball, and baseball throughout my teenage years,” says Benjamin. “I even use to break dance. I could do anything a skinny kid could do, and I felt if I were gaining too much weight, I would go on a diet and lose 50 to 60 pounds. But then I would gain it back and sometimes double.”

When Benjamin approached 412 pounds, he knew if he didn’t lose some weight he wouldn’t be able to care for his daughter and keep up with her.

“My daughter showed me what will power and determination was because before that I didn’t have it,” he explains. “Because of her, I sought out the Steward Center for Weight Control at Holy Family Hospital to help me put a plan in place to lose weight.”

Benjamin met with the Nicole Pecquex, MD, a weight loss surgeon and director of Steward Centers for Weight Control. She had his levels checked, and he was considered a “miracle” because he didn’t have pre-diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. The only health condition he was dealing with was sleep apnea. They discussed his options for weight loss surgery, and on November 9, 2015, Benjamin had a sleeve gastrectomy surgical weight loss procedure performed by Dr. Pecquex at Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Holy Family’s sister hospital.

“Everyone at the hospital was awesome,” says Benjamin. “Dr. Pecquex was straightforward, which I like. She made me feel comfortable with my decision, and I can truly say it is the best decision I made.”

Since his weight loss surgery, Benjamin has lost more than 180 pounds, spends a lot more time at the gym and is back to playing basketball.

“I have a lot more energy to keep up with my older daughter now,” says Benjamin. “Chasing after a 3-year-old has gotten a lot easier.”