Holy Family Hospital urologists are now routinely performing a minimally invasive, state-of-the-art procedure for men with enlarged prostates, that alleviates symptoms and preserves sexual function.
The procedure, called UroLift™, lifts and holds the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way. Tiny permanent implants hold the prostate lobes apart, to relieve pressure on the urethra, allowing urine to flow normally again. 
FDA cleared in 2013, UroLift® is the only treatment that does not remove prostate tissue. There is no cutting, heating or ablating of tissue, and it does not negatively impact sexual function.
“Most patients go home the same day without a catheter. There is minimal downtime after the procedure, and patients experience symptom relief in as early as two weeks,” says Urologist George Canellakis, MD, adding that one of the main reasons why men make an appointment to see a urologist is because of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), more commonly known as enlarged prostate.
“It’s normal for the prostate to enlarge with age. Over 70 percent of men in their sixties have BPH, and though it is a common and benign condition, the symptoms can greatly affect quality of life,” says Dr. Canellakis.
Following the procedure, patients may experience some urinary discomfort, but all symptoms typically resolve within two to four weeks after the procedure. 
The prostate is a small reproductive gland located below the neck of the bladder. The urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body, runs through the prostate, so when the prostate enlarges, it puts pressure on the urethra causing lower urinary tract symptoms, such as the need to urinate frequently during the day and night, a weak or slow urinary stream, the feeling that the bladder is not completely empty, difficulty starting urination, urgency to urinate, and a urinary stream that starts and stops.
When symptoms are mild, doctors often monitor the condition and track symptoms until treatment is necessary. Treatment usually begins with medication to manage symptoms, but for some, medications are not effective. For others, medications relieve symptoms, but patients must take them long-term and there are side effects.
Over 20 percent of men on medication for BPH discontinue treatment due to side effects or inadequate symptom relief. UroLift® offers an alternative for patients who have tried medication, want to preserve sexual function, and do not want to undergo major surgery due to potential risks and complications.