Resident Evaluations and Mentorship

There are multiple avenues for residents to receive feedback on their performance. At the end of each rotation, written evaluations are constructed by the supervising faculty. A system of daily evaluations is also in place to facilitate more frequent feedback to the residents. Each resident is assigned an engaged and energetic faculty mentor who will monitor the residents progress throughout the program and will become an integral part of the resident’s learning. Specific blocks of time are scheduled throughout the year to allow the mentor and mentee to meet, provide feedback and address any potential concerns. These meetings also serve as a method for a resident to provide feedback to the department. In addition, data from our electronic medical record system is collated quarterly to give each resident feedback on their longitudinal practice habits.

Clinical Competency Committee

The purpose of the Clinical Competency Committee is to monitor and evaluate the performance of each anesthesia resident at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center. The CCC utilizes a formal evaluation process that monitors the progress of each resident in the following categories used by the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) for defining competence in anesthesiology, including:

  1. Professionalism
  2. Patient Care and Procedural Skills
  3. Medical Knowledge
  4. Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
  5. Interpersonal and Communication Skills
  6. Systems-Based Practice

Monthly and daily feedback are collated for the CCC to review each quarter. The committee then prepares a report for approval by all core teaching faculty in the department. Should a deficiency in resident performance occur, the committee will design a remediation plan to help the resident towards successful completion of the program.

Staff and Program Evaluation

Once a year, residents are required to evaluate the staff and the residency program. This is done anonymously with a spirit of constructive criticism. 

The Program Evaluation Committee (PEC) is comprised of faculty leaders and residents and meets semi-annually.  This committee designs the curriculum for the residency and updates it regularly.  It also serves as a conduit for feedback from the residents to the department and residency leadership.