J.A.- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

“The moment I met with Dr. Nijhawan I knew she was the doctor that would help me make this important and much needed change in my life”, stated Jessica. 

It has been nearly two years since Jessica’s surgery and she talks about the experience as being ‘the most challenging, yet the most rewarding and gratifying thing I have ever done for myself.’  She explained how she now has the confidence that she didn’t have before the surgery to do things that used to make her nervous.  For example, she never thought she would be able to participate in yoga.  She wanted to travel, but flying on an airplane was always uncomfortable due to narrow seating and aisles.  In fact, just a few months ago, she was able to fly around the world with her husband.  She is also able to play kickball with her nieces and nephews instead of standing on the sidelines. 

Jessica’s family and husband were always there to support her throughout her journey as her husband Mohab stated, “We worked as a team…we worked out together… and I see nothing but good things in our future.”
With the assistance and constant encouragement from the staff at the Center for weight control at Sharon Regional through every part of her journey, Jessica was able to not only able to reach her weight loss goal, but exceed it. She concluded, “By making the decision to work with Dr. Nijhawan and the Bariatric team, I was able to successfully reach my weight loss goal.” 

To date Jessica has lost 140 pounds and plans to keep it off.

J.H.- Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve

Dr. Nijhawan and her gastric sleeve procedure have given me the tool that I needed to finally lose the weight. At almost nine months out from surgery, I have lost 113 pounds and am only 19 pounds from my goal weight. My future has never looked so bright, and I’m excited to continue on this path of healthy living.

L.M.- Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass

The Sharon Regional Bariatric Program is second to none! Four weeks post gastric bypass surgery I was doing great. Dr. Sheetal Nijhawan is awesome! Her expertise and professionalism led to a very positive surgical experience for me. The bariatric coordinator, dietitian, and the entire surgical staff at Sharon Regional were helpful, supportive and encouraging throughout the entire process. I highly recommend the program.

M.W.- Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve

I started the program at Sharon Regional to qualify for bariatric surgery six months before undergoing "the sleeve" procedure. My family doctor was intimately familiar with the process of getting approval for the surgery and coordinating with the bariatric surgery team of Dr. Nijhawan, so the approval and preparation stages went extremely smoothly.

Everyone, and I do mean everyone, who was involved in the process for acceptance, performing the procedure, follow-up care in the hospital and after discharge, was top notch; they are just plain wonderful people. The care at Sharon Regional by their staff during my recuperation was caring, thoughtful and outstanding. The surgical team, headed by Dr. Nijhawan, was wonderful, completely competent and reassuring. My thanks to them all with a special shout-out to Dee, their extremely knowledgeable and caring dietitian, and Linda, their patient coordinator, as well as to Dr. Nijhawan, whose competence and knowledge I cannot praise enough.

In six months I have lost more than 100 pounds and I am still losing according to plan and eating healthy balanced meals as a result of making the decision to change my lifestyle and habits to become healthier and happier. Their program works if you put in the time, effort, and discipline.

Sharon Regional's follow-up with me during these months has been constant and well done. I totally recommend these people and their bariatric surgery program.

S.P.- Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

After years of continuous weight gain and numerous weight loss attempts, I realized my overall health and well being were now being affected. I wanted to live a long healthy life without medication to fix what I was doing to myself. This surgery has been a life changing experience!