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Wadley Regional Medical Center at Hope’s state-of-the-art digital mammography system makes this important exam faster and more precise than ever. According to recent studies, digital mammography detects up to 28 percent more cancers in women 50 and younger and in women with dense breast tissue.

Digital mammography offers a number of practical advantages and patient conveniences:

  • Because there’s no waiting for film to be developed, digital images are immediately available. The technologist can evaluate the quality of the images as they’re taken. 
  • The digital machine is fast, so patients spend less time in uncomfortable positions.
  • Brightness, darkness, or contrast can be adjusted and sections of an image can be magnified after the mammogram is complete making it easier to see subtle differences between tissues.
  • Digital images are easily stored and retrieved.
  • Transmission of images from one physician to another is quick and easy.

Our Breast Center is accredited by the American College of Radiology.

Breast Center Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Display emergency wait time if possible