Spring is finally here, and with it, allergy season. From now until the end of summer, millions of Americans will suffer from allergies, and Steward Hospital is here to help you cope with those pesky symptoms. We know that having a runny nose, constant sneezing, and itchy red eyes can stand in the way of living your everyday life. To beat allergy season, check out the tips below: 


  1. Check the pollen count:

When you check the weather each morning, be sure to also check the pollen count in your area. If the pollen count is high, or if it’s a particularly windy day, try to stay inside as much as possible to avoid further irritation from the pollen. Heads up: the pollen count is usually highest in the morning. Consult your doctor or an allergist to determine the best medication for your personal symptoms - this could include pills, nasal sprays, eye drops, or allergy shots.


  1. Keep your home dry and clean:

It’s important to keep the air dry in your home to reduce allergy symptoms. A dehumidifier and air conditioning are two options to help here. To further reduce allergens in your home, use a HEPA filter in your vacuum cleaner to clean the floors, and keep the windows closed to prevent allergens from entering. Take additional preventative measures such as using allergy covers on your pillows and mattress, and be sure to take off your shoes after you’ve been outside!


  1. Be active, and smart, outside:

If you have severe symptoms but still need to get some outside chores done, like gardening or mowing the lawn, wear a face mask to reduce exposure to outdoor allergens. Once you’re back inside, be sure to wash those clothes immediately to prevent them from contaminating your living space. It’s also important to stay active. Studies show that exercise and moving often help boost the immune system, ultimately reducing allergy symptoms.


  1. Enhance and examine your diet:

Japanese studies show that green tea can be a fantastic relief for your allergy symptoms. In addition to integrating green tea in your diet, adding some spice to drinks and food, like cayenne pepper, can help with a congested nose. Keep in mind that some fruits and veggies have proteins in them that mimic pollen in certain ways. If possible, try to avoid apples, celery, carrots, and peaches, as they can cause an itchy throat or mouth.


  1. Watch your pets:

If you want to prevent the spread of allergens in your home, it’s a best practice to keep your pets out of your bed or bedroom. After taking them for a walk or playing outside, wipe down their paws and fur to make sure they don’t track allergens throughout your living space.


You deserve to enjoy the beautiful spring and summer season. Steward hopes that these tips can help you tackle your allergy symptoms and do just that.