The Telehealth Monitoring Program

The Telehealth Monitoring program Steward® Home Care provides is an advanced daily home monitoring service for patients diagnosed with medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which require close observation.

This easy-to-use in-home monitoring system enables health care providers to monitor patients with the goal of increasing patient awareness and self care while reducing unnecessary doctor’s visits, emergency room visits, and hospitalizations.

Telehealth features include:

  • Blood pressure monitor
  • Weight scale
  • Pulse oximeter
  • Glucose monitoring
  • Interactive educational session

The benefits of the Telehealth include:

  • Identifying the need for immediate intervention by the nurse-physician-patient
  • Improving physician-patient collaboration
  • Ensuring the patient has an accurate medication list and dosages
  • Reducing the number of in-home visits by home care nurses
  • Reducing the number of office and ER visits for non-emergencies
  • Promoting patient independence through education and awareness

Telehealth Monitoring is available through Steward Home Care (through a physician) and the Private Care Program. It is covered by the US Family Health Plan for those patients who qualify.

For more information about Steward Home Care’s Telehealth Monitoring, call 1-888-820-1640.