The Medical Center of Southeast Texas is excited to announce the recipient of the Sunshine Award for June 2022 is Willie Williams, a Materials Coordinator in Central Supply!

Here are a few of the things people had to say about Willie when nominating him:

“Willie has worked here for many years in our warehouse. He is dedicated and hard working. He always has a smile on his face and has a pleasant personality. He has an infectious laugh that makes you smile. Every time we pass each other in the hall he not only says hello, but he asks how I’m doing today. I hear him doing this with other staff as well. He calls them by name and makes it personal. Anytime I’ve needed help with an item from the warehouse he stops what he’s doing to help me. He truly deserves the sunshine award!”

“Willie is friendly and a nice person to work with. Always willing to help others and go above and beyond in completing his tasks. It’s always a pleasure working with him.”

Sunshine Award June 2022

The Sunshine award exists to help recognize hospital staff members that support nursing staff! Without sunshine, DAISYs wouldn't be able to grow and likewise, nurses at The Medical Center wouldn't be able to do their jobs without so many people that work in the background to make everything possible.