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Gynecology Services & Treatments at St. Elizabeth's

St. Margaret’s Center for Women and Children at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center provides a broad range of services related to female reproductive and maternal health with compassionate, personalized care.

Gynecology services include:


St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center offers a comprehensive urogynecology program to assist women with conditions including:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Post-surgical conditions such as pelvic organ prolapse, rectocele, and cystocele
  • Pregnancy-related orthopedic conditions
  • Urgency and frequency
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Interstitial cystitis: painful bladder syndrome
  • Vulvodynia: vulvar pain
  • Proctalgia: muscle spasm of the rectal area
  • Pudendal Neuralgia: inflammation of the Pudendal Nerve

In addition to medically and surgically treating a woman’s issues related to the pelvic organs and the pelvic floor, St. Elizabeth’s also offers Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation services which include: 

  • Manual therapy including trigger point release, myofascial release, scar massage and soft tissue mobilization
  • Biofeedback
  • Therapeutic exercises, including stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Behavioral modification
  • Patient education
  • Bladder retraining
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Ultrasound
  • Electrical stimulation

Women’s Robotic Surgery offers patients the option of minimally invasive surgery using the state-of-the-art da Vinci® Surgical System. The da Vinci System enables surgeons to perform even the most complex and delicate procedures through very small incisions with unmatched precision.

Benefits include:

  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Less risk of infection
  • Less blood loss and fewer transfusions
  • Faster recovery
  • Less pain and scarring
  • Quicker return to normal activities
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