Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a surgical intervention for Parkinson's disease offered at the Movement Disorders Center at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center. DBS may help control the movement symptoms of Parkinson’s— essential tremor (shaking), slowed movement (bradykinesia), and stiffness (rigidity). When medications aren’t as effective as they used to be and symptoms make everyday life a challenge, DBS may help. 

For many people with Parkinson's, DBS makes a difference when even small tasks have become challenging. DBS has helped some people stay as independent as possible and keep doing the activities they love.

What is DBS?

DBS uses a small, pacemaker-like device, placed under the skin of the chest, to send electronic signals to an area in the brain that controls movement. To give a patient relief, these signals block some of the brain messages that cause the movement symptoms of Parkinson’s.

When is the Right Time for DBS?

The right time for DBS is when your medications still work, but not as well as they used to. Research shows that deep brain stimulation may be appropriate for people who have had Parkinson's for at least four years and at least four months of movement symptoms not well controlled by medications or medication side effects such as unintended movements (dyskinesia).

Talk with Someone Who Has DBS

You can talk one-on-one with someone who already has DBS for Parkinson’s. Ask the questions that only people living with DBS therapy can answer, such as:

  • What’s the DBS surgery like?
  • What does stimulation feel like?
  • Why did you choose DBS therapy?
  • How has your life changed?

To schedule your call with someone living with DBS, click here to sign up, or call 877-438-3574.

Watch a Patient Before DBS and After DBS