St. Elizabeth's Medical Center Community Benefits Advisory Committee Charter

The St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center Community Benefits Advisory Committee (CBAC) is an advisory committee to the medical center’s leadership team. It assists the medical center in overseeing the organization’s responsibilities to the communities it serves.

St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center has a rich history of dedication to the communities it serves. The medical center conducts a needs assessment every three years, and works with the Advisory Committee to develop annual community benefits plans to address public health needs. These annual plans are implemented through partnership-driven programs,


which meet the determined health needs of the diverse communities we serve.

The Advisory Committee shall be comprised of up to 20 members, including at least one hospital board member, appointed by the hospital president and board chair. Other members will consist of a medical staff representative, a nurse leadership representative, director of Community Partnerships, the hospital president, and one other member of the front line leadership team. Additionally, at least six to eight representatives representing a cross-section of the diverse communities St. Elizabeth’s serves. The group will be chaired by the board representative with support from the director of Community Partnerships.

Chair and members serve three-year terms. Members may be re-appointed for an additional three-year term.

The Advisory Committee is responsible for the following:

Community Benefits Plan
The Community Benefit Plan is written by the director of Community Partnerships with the input of the CBAC. The report includes a summary of the hospital's goals and objectives for the upcoming fiscal year. The plan is submitted to the Senior Leadership Team of St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center and the Board of Directors for approval. The CBAC will be responsible for reviewing the plan and ensuring that:

  • Appropriate target populations are selected
  • The programs address the target population and have measurable goals
  • Each program demonstrates community involvement 

Program Design
The CBAC will review and provide input on draft program design developed by St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center staff. Programs will be designed to ensure accessibility for communities and populations with disproportionate unmet health needs in the hospital’s primary service area. The CBAC will ensure that programs objectives are focused on addressing state-wide community benefits priorities, including health care disparities, chronic disease management, wellness of vulnerable populations, and needs of the uninsured.

Program Monitoring
Program monitoring is the responsibility of the CBAC. The CBAC will monitor the implementation and achievement of the community benefit goals on a regular basis to track and measure the effectiveness that the programs are having in promoting the health of the communities.