
During Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week, Morton Hospital joins hospitals and communities across the country in celebrating the talented and caring men and women who make up our network of EMS partners.

This is a special time of year for all of us to pause to recognize and celebrate the enormous contributions that EMS providers make in our communities. Not only are they the patient’s first line of defense both at the scene of a medical emergency and en route to the hospital, but they are also an extension of the care our hospitals provide. As president of Morton Hospital, I know firsthand that without the benefit of our area’s dedicated EMS partners, our hospital staff – and more importantly, our patients – would truly be at a loss.

This year’s EMS Week them is “EMS Strong: Stronger Together.” It perfectly signifies the special bond and camaraderie among EMS teams, and highlights the critical value of the partnerships EMS workers maintain with their local hospitals, health care workers and public safety personnel in working together to ensure our community members receive exceptional medical care.

Our greater Taunton EMS teams always go above and beyond in giving of themselves for the benefit of others. During EMS Week, please join all of us at Morton Hospital in expressing our thanks for the critical role they play in building healthier communities and providing life-saving care.   

Deborah Bitsoli
Morton Hospital President