
Evidence-based programs serving our communities' needs.Carney Hospital Community Health Screening

As part of our Community Health Program, Carney Hospital is committed to offering the following programs to residents living in the surrounding Dorchester communities on a regular basis:

  • Health education seminars and programs
  • Free health screenings
  • Cancer screenings
  • Support groups
  • Community outreach

Learn more about some of our specific community health programs and services

  • Health Insurance and Financial Counseling Enrollment Initiative. Through this initiative, Carney Hospital takes steps in ensuring that patients are receiving optimal help in securing health care benefits and follow up for their medical needs. By having the financial counseling department and the community health advocate collaborate, patients that have difficulty with the follow-through of securing health insurance and follow up care will be given support to help them navigate the process. The community health advocate will help patients obtain needed documentation, pick up necessary documentation from their homes and offer culturally competent support through community leaders and interpreters.
  • Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). This collaboration with local organizations and farms brings in fresh fruits and vegetables through the use of farmers' markets and  food co-ops within the community.
  • Dorchester YMCA Partnership. Carney Hospital and the Dorchester YMCA are collaborating to provide nutrition education and youth empowerment to the Dorchester community through a Y Weight! nutrition education program held at the Dorchester YMCA. In addition, Carney physicians visit the YMCA, periodically, to speak with youth members about a range of issues, including sports medicine and sexual health.