Visiting Hours

The following visitation policy will take effect, Wednesday June 1, 2022.

Only adult visitors will be permitted (18 years of age and above) during the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm for non-COVID patients. All Inpatient Visitors must register and receive a visitor pass in the Main Lobby Entrance.

Visitors are welcome to visit as follows:

• Inpatient: One visitor at a time

• Inpatient/Outpatient Surgery & Invasive Procedures:  During the hours of 6:00 am and 6:00 pm One visitor may stay in the designated waiting area until procedure/surgery is complete. Following procedure/surgery, the inpatient policy will apply if the patient is admitted. If procedure/surgery ends later than 6 PM, the visitor will be permitted to stay until it is complete. Then, he/she will be asked to return when visitation hours opens the next day.

• Emergency Room: One visitor depending on condition of patient.  If the patient is admitted, the inpatient visitation policy will apply

• Maternal Services: Up to 2 visitors at a time. This may include a spouse/partner or a person designated by the patient.

• Mental Health: One visitor at a time from 6p-8p

• Hospice/end-of-life: One visitor will be permitted at a time

• COVID-19 Positive Patients:  North Shore is committed to a safe and healing environment. Exceptions can be made to the visitor policy based on patient’s condition and end of life needs with approval from administration.


Visitors must commit to:         

1. Follow all hospital infection control policies:

2. Sanitize hand on arrival, before entering the patient’s room and upon leaving the patient’s room

3. Wear a hospital approved mask at all times covering nose and mouth

4. Avoid touching items in the patient’s room/bathroom

5. Only visit the patient room; do not visit other areas of the hospital 

6. Leave promptly at the end of visiting hours