September 18, 2020 - Yesterday, Governor Abbott announced the easing of statewide restrictions on elective procedures, effective immediately. This is good news for patients who had to postpone certain medical procedures due to these precautions.

From serious conditions to aches and pains, the health care needs of the Permian Basin community did not stop. Now is the time for individuals and families to get the medical care— from a routine check-up to a medical procedure -- that may have been postponed during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our clinics are open, elective procedures are ready to be scheduled, and our emergency room continues to be a safe place to treat ALL emergencies. We’ve are working quickly to reschedule previously cancelled procedures  

To ensure the safety of patients and to provide a safe and clean environment for any visit to our facilities, we are intensely focused on new cleaning protocols and personal protection procedures to keep patients safe. We have also implemented new practices to ensure that any COVID-related care is done in an isolated area away from other patients and their families.

The health and safety of our patients, visitors, employees, and our communities remain our top priority at Odessa Regional Medical Center. Therefore, our current no visitor policy will remain in place with the following exceptions, effective Monday, September 21. Exceptions include:

  1. End-of-life patients:
    • There may be 1 visitor at a time, limited to immediate family only
    • Other visitors must remain outside the facility until rotated in
  2. Pediatric patients:
    • No more than 2 designated visitors per hospital stay
  3. Laboring or Post-partum patients:
    • 1 designated visitor/labor partner per hospital stay
    • No time limits
  4. Ambulatory (same day) Surgery (ASU)/ Procedure patients:
    • 1 designated visitor per hospital stay
    • Visitor must stay only in the assigned patient’s area
    • Visitor must wait outside the facility during the procedure
    • Visitor will be called back in once the patient is out of the procedure and back in ASU area
    • No time limits
  5. Emergency Room patients:
    • 1 designated visitor per hospital stay
    • Visitor must stay only in the assigned patient’s room
    • Visitor must wait outside the facility until patient is assigned a room
    • Visitor cannot wait in the waiting area
    • Limitations to patients under investigation for COVID will be determined on a case-by case basis
    • No time limits
  6. Other special circumstances not defined above must be reviewed on a case-by-case basis with Administration/Senior Manager
    • Visitors to COVID (+) patient rooms must don full PPE and stay 6 feet away from the patient

ORMC has taken every precaution and made the necessary preparations to care for patients in a safe, controlled and professional way. Thank you for continuing to trust ORMC for your family’s healthcare needs.