The health and safety of our patients, visitors, employees, and our communities remain our top priority at Odessa Regional Medical Center. Therefore, in line with the latest guidance provided by the CDC and the Texas State Department of Health related to COVID-19, all hospital visitors will be restricted until further notice. The only exceptions are for our new mothers and babies, who will be allowed 1 visitor each.

We are here, as always, to serve all patients. Our commitment to providing care for the ongoing health and well-being of our community is vital, particularly in times like these.  To protect our patients and employees from the spread of COVID-19, we are making every effort to keep our facilities safe through enhanced screening of patients and strict visitor restrictions to our facilities.

All patients who enter the hospital through available access points will be screened immediately upon arrival. Points of entrance will be limited to:

  • ER main entrance 24/7
  • West Campus main entrance 24/7


If you are not a provider working at our facility, hospital employee, or seeking immediate medical attention, we ask that you avoid the hospital.

If you are experiencing a cough, fever, and/or shortness of breath or have been in direct contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, please call your primary physician doctor’s office. Your physician will help determine whether you may come in for an appointment, or if you should stay at home and await further instruction. You can also call our COVID-19 hotline for a phone screening and additional resources at 432-582-8030. Please do not come to the hospital unless it is an emergency.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to keep our community safe.


No Visitantes Permitidos

Efectivo desde 03/23/2020- La salud y seguridad de nuestros pacientes, visitantes, empleados, y nuestras comunidades siguen siendo nuestra mayor prioridad en Odessa Regional Medical Center.  Por lo tanto para estar en línea con las últimas guías proporcionadas por el Departamento de Salud de Texas y el CDC relacionadas con COVID-19, estamos restringiendo a todos los visitantes hasta  aviso adicional.

Todas las personas que entren al hospital deben ser examinadas en la entrada principal y mostrar el punto de color que se les dé sobre la ropa en la parte superior del cuerpo en lo que estén en el edificio del hospital.  Esto incluye a todos los pacientes que estén buscando atención médica, empleados, proveedores y vendedores.

Les pedimos comprensión y cooperación en estos tiempos extraordinarios.

Estamos comprometidos a proteger su salud.  Por favor ayúdenos a mantener sana a nuestra comunidad.