20 May 2022 – Emergency department staff of Gozo General Hospital (GGH) recently had the opportunity to reach out to the community of Għarb and raise awareness on the importance of timely intervention and communication in cases of emergencies.

GGH, which is run by Steward Health Care Malta, joined other entities like the Armed Forces of Malta, the Malta Police Force, LESA and the Civil Protection Department in an outreach event called “Community Services Day” organized by the Għarb local council with the purpose of educating the public and promoting the importance of teamwork between the various community services.

Emergency staff from Steward Malta overseeing a child performing CPR on a dummy patient during an outreach event held recently in Għarb, Gozo

The GGH Emergency Department personnel guided the public through the time-sensitive interventions necessary to maximize the chance of survival from a cardiac arrest. Moreover, the Emergency team discussed the significance of the information communicated over the phone when calling 112, and how this impacts the resourcing and clinical management of the case. In fact, information cards with useful tips and advice on what to do when making an emergency calls were distributed during the event.

Reaching out to the community, such as during the recent event held in Għarb’s main square, is an important aspect of Steward Malta’s goal to raise awareness in the communities that it serves

The public had the opportunity to enter and visualize the layout of a rapid response vehicle used by GGH’s Emergency team, as well as perform life-saving exercises on dummy patients under the guidance of the hospital’s staff.

A child is given an opportunity to understand the features of the Rapid Response Car used by Gozo General Hospital during the Community Services Day held recently in Għarb