Steward Health Care Malta was on Thursday awarded the service commencement certificate, paving the way for Queen Mary University London to welcome students on site for lectures this morning. 

Steward, who stepped into the concession in January 2018, was asked to prioritize the construction of the medical school. Works began in May 2018 on this 8100sqm state of the art facility and are now complete, just 17 months in. Commenting on this milestone, Nadine Delicata, Executive Director of Steward Malta stated that, "this is the first major construction related milestone of our work here in Malta. We now look towards the future, into turning our hospitals into teaching facilities, to building the new hospital in Gozo and refurbishing the site at Karin Grech, and to truly dedicating ourselves towards improving Malta’s health service offering.” 

With the Barts medical school complete, and the master-planning process now at a very advanced stage, Steward Malta looks to the permitting phase and to begin communicating plans around the new and improved hospital sites.