Main Copy Part One

The Center is designed for comfort, while offering the best in breast health care.  Our cutting edge technology helps to ensure early detection, the key to successful treatment, which allows us to offer women of all ages the best in screening and diagnostic services. 

We offer:

  • Complete diagnostic services
  • 3D Mammography
  • Breast MRI and ultrasound
  • Ultrasound and stereotactic biopsy
  • On-site breast imaging specialists

What is a mammogram screening?
A mammogram screening refers to a test used to detect breast cancer before there are any symptoms. Detecting breast cancer early, when it is smaller and still confined to the breast, offers the best chance of a cure.

Following the American College of Radiology (ACR) guidelines for screening mammography can help improve the chances that breast cancer can be found early and treated successfully:
  • Annual mammograms for women age 40 and older
  • No upper age limit as long as in good health

Early Detection - 3D Mammography
The Breast Care Center at Sharon Regional Medical Center now offers 3D mammography to our patients. This is one of the newest breast imaging technologies, available in only a handful of facilities in the nation. 3D mammography was approved by the FDA in February 2011, after it concluded that the addition of 3D technology to traditional mammography provided significant improvement in clinical performance over traditional digital mammography alone.

3D mammography uses a high-powered computer to convert digital images into a stack of very thin layers or slices. This allows the radiologist to examine the breast tissue in 1 mm increments, so that fine details are no longer hidden by dense breast tissue in front of or behind. The exam is very similar to a traditional mammogram for the patient. The technologist positions the breast and compresses it under a paddle. An X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc over the breast, taking multiple images. Imaging takes only a few seconds longer than a traditional mammogram.

Who is the 3D Mammography Most Helpful For?

  • Women with dense breast tissue
  • Women at high risk for breast cancer
    • Genetic/BRCA1 and BRCA2
  • Strong family history
  • Previous radiation therapy to chest

Talk to Your Doctor About Your Risk
Women who are at an increased risk for breast cancer should ask their doctors to help them determine the best screening schedule, which takes into consideration:

  • A personal or family history of breast cancer
  • A genetic mutation (such as BRCA) known to increase risk
  • Women who have had radiation therapy to the chest before the age of 30

Sharon Regional is Here to Support You
Our team is dedicated to providing support to patients by:

  • Providing information to patients who face further breast diagnostic tests and/or those with a diagnosis of breast cancer who need surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation
  • Education and support as needed to post-biopsy patients
  • Educational programs for the community on breast care, breast cancer prevention, and treatment options
  • Education to physician offices regarding breast cancer detection and new services available at Sharon Regional
  • Direction and support when any necessary follow-up testing, or treatment is initiated
  • Coordination of referrals to community resources as appropriate

The Susan G. Komen Mammogram Foundation offers free mammogram vouchers for eligible patients. Please call 888-687-0505 for more information and to find out if you’re eligible to receive a voucher for your annual mammogram. Vouchers must be presented upon arrival for scheduled mammogram.

To schedule a mammogram, please call (724) 983-3945.



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