Sharon Regional Medical Center will recognize National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day to be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2019.  This initiative started in 2015, to show support of law enforcement officers nationwide. In light of recent negativity directed toward law enforcement nationally, the National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.) is a day dedicated for all of America to show law enforcement officers that we recognize the very difficult and sometimes challenging career they have chosen, in public service to us all.  

“I am so grateful for the hard work and sacrifice that our local city, county and state police forces provide 24/365,” stated Joseph Hugar, Sharon Regional Medical Center President and CEO. “They are truly everyday heroes and should be respected and recognized every day. It is especially comforting to the hundreds of patients and employees across our entire Medical Center.  We cannot thank you enough.  We stand by you and your family at all times.” 

C.O.P.S.  (Concerns of Police Survivors), a non-profit organization that supports the families and other survivors of officers killed in the line of duty, played an intricate role in implementing and promoting this national day of recognition.
To show our support, representatives from Sharon Regional Medical Center will be visiting with local police departments within the communities we serve, including the Sharon Police Department, to show our appreciation for the services that they provide to our community, to our patients and their families. 

According to the C.O.P.S. organization, there are several ways to show support and say thank you to the many police officers in our communities, such as:

• Wear blue clothing in support of law enforcement 
• Send a card of support to your local police department or state agency
• Share a story about a positive law enforcement experience on social media
• Participate in Project Blue Light - Proudly display your blue light in support of law enforcement 

Most importantly, today, and every day, if you see a police officer, thank a police officer.

On behalf of the nearly 1,200 employees and physicians at Sharon Regional Medical Center, we extend our appreciation for the law enforcement personnel who are committed to protecting our citizens 365 days a year.  We urge residents of Mercer County to join in this celebration on January 9th to show their support to the men and women who protect all of us.