Community Impact

Quality care, close to home
Sharon Regional Medical Center is your community medical provider, serving the northwest Pennsylvania and northeast Ohio regions. We have a vested interest in contributing to the wellbeing of our community and the people who live and work here. We work hard to provide quality health care that fits your life and lifestyle.

Community impact
Sharon Regional Medical Center proudly plays an active role as a strong community partner throughout the region by providing health care and outreach services to many individuals, including those who have a limited ability to pay. In fiscal year 2012, we provided more than $10 million in charity and uncompensated care, along with close to $1 million in outreach services including health and wellness programs/screenings, support groups, educational classes, and much more.

Get to know us and get involved
From wellness programs to community events where you can meet and talk with our health professionals, there are many ways to connect and grow together as a healthy community.